covid World , will be a world of Micro and Mini Micros. Self contained , self Sustainable Micro Units of everything .
Mega is out.
Everything that’s self sustained, integrated , smaller Ecosystem in themselves , is in.
The world needs to Learn and adapt to the art of bio mimicry. The way nature behaves. We have to behave in line with that , an often talked term #EarthShastra
Humans need to start developing their plans around nature and not the vice versa, whatever the cost , or else like Covid the cost will be too high for Humanity to pay . it already is .
It’s time Businesses accepted the new normal and adapted to change , accepted it’s rather than trying to prove its supremacy and trying to tame the nature, again.
This is one unseen, microbe that has taken the world down, apart . Imagine if other natural forces join hands ?
Its time
The industries and Businesses going forward will have to relook at their purpose of existence. Tata Group can be a reference point.
Share holders wealth maximization
Heavy profits
Can’t work anymore.
The Industries and Businesses need to create integrated, self contained , working , family Zones. This will become the norm as interstate travel , migration becomes a challenge and costly affair .
Which means provisioning for family facilities , education, healthcare , recreational facilities for workers across business districts .
So Pune , Noida , Bangalore , Chennai, mumbai , gurgaon , will have to start creating tata nagar models . With all facilities mentioned above for all collars, white blue, grey, round collar.
You can’t leave the contracted labour out of the security net else they become your biggest threat.
All.manufacturing hubs have to start training and deploying local resources even if its at a premium.
Which also means that labour supplying states like UP, Bihar, MP, Odisha , jharkhand will have to invite industries to set up plants and offices in their districts .
This will lead to a large distribution of prosperity, wealth, opportunities, helping the spread from 15 Mega Hubs to 1500 Micro Hubs across country .
Catering to local needs and supported by good logistics support of Airports, highways , expressways and ports for exports . Technology , Digitalization will play a Major Role in Post Covid World .
The need to travel extensively for better opportunities needs to be minimised. Glocalization, mini and micro localization. Shall become a norn.
Travelling for work shall need to be reduced and Industries a s businesses , HR department , will have to take lead.
I.e. Either tell people working on gurgaon factories offices to stay on Gurgaon.
Or create smaller offices where smaller group of employees run critical operations .
If not work from Home , Walk to Work as Culture shall become a new benchmark .
DIY, has to become a new mantra. With the drop on availability of labour and focus of government to reduce movement of people from urban to rural and vice versA, DIY , hence automation shall become norm.
Expect , high Sales of Dishwashers, Vacuum cleaners, self cleaning robots , Roti , maker etc to go through the roof.
As malls and Multiplexes will see a huge downside. It’s time to look at local convenience stores and miniplexes in self contained communities. A theatre for 50 people , may be 80. Shall be a new norm, with satellite broadcast, Netflix, PVR, Paytm, BookMyshow , can look a such micro recreational hubs as next big opportunity, where audience will be largely people from 1 – 3 km vicinity .
Restaurant business is going to get hit. Virtual kitchens , with address hygiene deliveries shall become norm.
Automated delivery vehicles with Drone as Last step delivery can become a norm a huge opportunity there for people to upgrade themselves from.mere drivers and delivery boys to Drone operators .
Travel and tourism including leisure is another business that’s going to take hit big time.
It’s time for governments to see them as Job Enablers and not tax generators. Zero taxes or minimal taxes from hotels .
Local tourism and recreational opportunities, making leasure travel more premium , with higher security and safety nets shall become a norm..
All people working in the sector need to be upgraded to organized sector..
Religious tourism , with limited passes can be a good way forward. 1 family, once a year.